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- 서울대학교병원 임상강사 (생식내분비 및 불임)
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- 반복착상실패, 착상전 유전진단, 가임력보존
- 제64차 일본산부인과학회 학술대회 International Session Good Poster Award 수상
Lim HS, Kim MJ, Park KE, Chung HH, Park NH, Song YS, Kang SB. The efficacy of a real-time optoelectronic device as a diagnostic tool of over cervical intraepithelial neoplasia 1 lesion.Korean J Obstet Gynecol. 2010;53(10):888-93.
Kim WO, Park KE, Kim H, Ku SY, Kim SH, Choi YM,Kim JG, Moon SY. Unusual shaped foreign body found in the uterus of infertile woman. Korean J Ultrasound Obstet Gynecol. 2010;12(3):163-6.
Park KE, Ku SY, Kim H, Jee BC, Suh CS, Kim SH, Choi YM, Kim JG, Moon SY. The use of tenaculum during intrauterine insemination may not affect the pregnancy outcome. Yonsei Med J. 2010;51(6):949-53.
Kim WO, Park KE, Ku SY, Kim SH, Choi YM, Kim JG, Moon SY. An unusual presentation of obstructive hemivagina and ipsilateral renal anomaly syndrome: a case report. Korean J Obstet Gynecol. 2011;54(12):820-4.
Kim H, Park KE, Gu BS, Ku SY, Kim SH, Choi YM, Kim JG.Production of circulating insulin-like growth factor (IGF) and their binding protein by whole blood cells from women with endometriosis and their levels in peritoneal fluid.J ReprodEndocrinol.2011;3(2):130-7.
Park KE, Ku SY, Kim HS, Kwak C, Kim SH, Choi YM, Kim JG, Moon SY. Vesicovaginal fistula following large-loop excision of the transformation zone in a chronic systemic glucocorticoid user. J ObstetGynaecol Res. 2011;37(10):1459-62.
Park KE, Lee DO, Kim H, Ku SY, Kim SH, Choi YM, Kim JG.The Relationship between Wnt Antagonist Genes Polymorphisms and Changes in Production of Osteoprotegerin and Soluble Receptor Activator of NF-kB by Whole Blood Cells after Hormone Therapy. Osteoporosis.2012;10(3):112-8.
Park KE, Kim YY, Ku SY, Baek SM, Huh Y, Kim YJ, Kim SH, Choi YM, Moon SY. Effects of alginate hydrogels on in vitro maturation outcome of mouse preantral follicles. Tissue EngRegen Med. 2012;9(3):170-4.
Park KE, Ku SY, Kim SH, Choi YM, Kim JG, Moon SY. Effects of three different compositions of urinary and recombinant gonadotropins on in vitro maturation outcomes of mouse preantral follicles. Acta obstetrica et gynaecologica japonica. 2012;64(2):907.
Ku SY, Kim YJ, Kim YY, Park KE, Kim SH, Choi YM, Kim JG, Moon SY. microRNA expression in granulosa cell according to their oocyte maturation during in vitro maturation of mouse follicle. Reprod Sci. 2012;19(S3):137A.
Park KE, Ku SY, Jung KC, Liu HC, Kim YY, Kim YJ, Kim SH, Choi YM, Kim JG, Moon SY. Effects of urinary and recombinant gonadotropins on in vitro maturation outcomes of mouse preantral follicles.Reprod Sci. 2013;20(8):909-16.
Park KE, Kim SA, Kang MJ, Kim HS, Cho SI, Yoo KW, Kim SY, Lee HJ, Oh SK, Seong MW, Ku SY, Jun JK, Park SS, Choi YM, Moon SY. Successful birth with preimplantation genetic diagnosis using single cell allele-specific PCR and sequencing in a woman with hypochondroplasia due to FGFR3 mutation (c.1620C>A, pN540K). ClinExpReprod Med. 2013;40(1):42-6.
Park KE, Lee HJ, Kim H, Ku SY, Kim SH, Choi YM, Kim JG.The relationship between leptin and adrenergic receptors genes polymorphisms and changes in production of osteoprotegerin and soluble receptor activator of NF-kB by whole blood cells after hormone therapy. J ReprodEndocrinol.2013;5(1):18-26.
Hwang KR, Choi YM, Kim JJ, Chae SJ, Park KE, Jeon HW, Ku SY, Kim SH, Kim JG, Moon SY. Effects of insulin-sensitizing agents and insulin resistance in women with polycystic ovary syndrome.ClinExpReprod Med. 2013;40(2):100-5.
Kim YY, Kim YJ, Cho KM, Kim SH, Park KE, Kang BC, Jung KC, Kim MS, Ku SY. The expression profile of angiotensin system on thawed murine ovaries. Tissue EngRegen Med. 2016;13(6):724-31.
Park KE, Kim YJ, Kim YY, Kim H, Ku SY, Suh CS, Kim SH, Choi YM. Effects of estradiol on the paracrine regulator expression of in vitro maturated murine ovarian follicles. Tissue EngRegen Med. 2017;14(1):31-8.
Shin JJ, Park KE, Choi YM, Kim HO, Choi DH, Lee WS, Cho JH. Early gonadotropin-releasing hormone antagonist protocol in women with polycystic ovary syndrome: A preliminary randomized trial. ClinExpReprodMed. 2018;45(3):135-42.